We bring your pictures to your place!

What is a LED screen?

Ein LED-Screen ist eine digitale Anzeigetafel für Ihr Business. Ob als Werbe Screen im Innen- und Außenbereich oder als Konferenztechnik genutzt, finden Sie in unserem Portfolio für jeden Anlass die richtige LED-Screen Lösung. Unsere LED-Screens bestechen mit faszinierender Bildqualität für jeden Anlass. SCREEN EXPERTS bietet Ihnen eine große Auswahl an In- und Outdoor Lösungen für Ihr LED Screen Panel.

LED screen

In the outdoor sector, our LED screens are utilized for various purposes. In the outdoor sector, we can recommend the UltraLine, which achieves a unique fire safety classification and is thus available as "non-flammable LED screen".Our UltraLine screens are classified as non-flammable according to European standards, making them ideal for sensitive areas where fire safety is crucial.

Auch im Outdoor Bereich ist Energysafing möglich. Mit den LED Screens der UltraLine ist durch die Verwendung der „Common Cathode Technologie“ eine sehr hohe Helligkeit von bis zu 10.000 NIT möglich. Bei Nutzung im normalen Helligkeitsbereich von bis zu 5.000 NIT spart diese Serie Energiekosten und ist damit besonders umweltfreundlich und betriebskostensparend.

LED screen

LED Screen Messe

Indoor, our LED displays are used, for example, in shop windows, airports, and trade shows. In the indoor sector, we especially recommend our two product series, CreativeLine and LuxLine. The CreativeLine is ideal for metric dimensions, while the LuxLine is suitable when a 16:9 format is needed. Additionally, the CreativeLine is available as "non-flammable LED screen". We can offer both product series in various resolutions (pixel pitches).

Im Indoor Bereich können wir unseren LED-Screen energieeffizienten LuxLine empfehlen.

Do you want to buy a LED screen?

We will gladly advise you!

You want to buy a LED screen?

We will gladly advise you!

Then you can go all the steps together with SCREEN EXPERTS as a full service provider. We take over consulting and planning, help with questions of statics and approval processes around your LED display. We install and instruct, supply software and hardware and take care of the maintenance and servicing of your LED display.  We are happy to equip you with players, combined players & LED controllers or cloud-based solutions.

5 Jahre Garantie

Wir stehen hinter unserer Qualität – 5 Jahre Herstellergarantie und mehr!


As one of the exceptions in the market, we offer 5 years guarantee as bring-in service according to our guarantee policy on our products. In addition, you can optionally obtain a warranty on the availability of certain spare parts of up to 10 years. For all other parts extensive guarantee extensions can be ordered and concluded.