We make your advertising visible !

What is an LED display? 

An LED display is designed for presenting dynamic content. With a wide range of colors, LED displays can be used in various applications. We offer displays for both indoor and outdoor use.

LED display

LED display for your outdoor-area

In the outdoor sector, our LED displays are utilized for various purposes. Potential application areas include sports facilities, shopping centers, and even train stations.

n the outdoor sector, we can recommend the UltraLine, which achieves a unique fire safety classification and is thus available as "non-flammable LED screen".Our UltraLine displays are classified as non-flammable according to European standards, making them ideal for sensitive areas where fire safety is crucial.

Zusätzlich sind unsere LED Screens mit einer fortschrittlichen Stromspartechnik ausgestattet, die nicht nur die Betriebskosten senkt, sondern auch einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Energie gewährleistet.

LED display

LED Screen Messe

LED display for your indoor area

Indoor, our LED displays are used, for example, in shop windows, airports, and trade shows. In the indoor sector, we especially recommend our two product series, CreativeLine and LuxLine.

The CreativeLine is ideal for metric dimensions, while the LuxLine is suitable when a 16:9 format is needed. Additionally, the CreativeLine is available as "non-flammable LED screen". verfügbar.

Zusätzlich sind unsere LED Screens mit Energiestromspartechnik ausgestattet, die nicht nur die Betriebskosten senkt, sondern auch einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Energie gewährleistet.

We can offer both product series in various resolutions (pixel pitches).

LED displays are suitable for a wide range of applications. 

Typically, LED displays are primarily used in advertising, but other applications are becoming more popular. For example, the use of an LED display for wayfinding or information presentation at trade shows.

We are your experts when it comes to permanent installations; feel free to contact us!

You want to buy a LED display?

We will gladly advise you!

You want to buy a LED display?

We will gladly advise you!

Dann können Sie mit SCREEN EXPERTS als Full Service Anbieter alle Schritte gemeinsam gehen. Wir übernehmen Beratung und Planung, helfen bei Fragen der Statik und der Genehmigungsprozesse rund um Ihr LED Display. Wir bauen auf und weisen ein, liefern Soft-und -Hardware und kümmern uns um die Wartung und Instandhaltung Ihres LED Displays.  Mit Playern, LED Controllern oder cloudbasierten Lösungen statten wir sie gerne aus.

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